boys names that start with A’L-muslim boys names in urdu-Modern Muslim boy names A to Z

Muslim Modern boys names in urdu that start with meaning Alphabet A’Z’

Is post mein ap boys k names ke mutalaq  jaan   Sakhte hen jis mein aap boys names that start with meanings alphabet ‘A.L’  muslim boys names in urdu-Modern Muslim boy names A to Z. Tk prh sakhte hein.


boys names that start with c-muslim boys names in urdu-Modern Muslim boy names A to Z
boys names that start with

boys names that start with meanings alphabet A.laal</h

Aaban More clear,8th Persian month
Aabdar Bright
Aabid Worshipper of God
Aadam The first Prophet of Allah
Aadil Just
Aadhil Honorable Judge
Aafa Forgiver
Aaki Bright
Aazad Independent
Aahil Good health,Prince
Aalam World
Aalee Sublime, high
Aalim Knowledge person, Wise
Aamir Prosperous
Aaqib The follower of allah
Aaqil Intelligent
Aarib Handsome
Aarif Knowledge
Aariz Respectable Man, Intelligent
Aaryan Best of the best
Aashif Courageous
Aashir Fascinating
Aasim Protector
Aat Someone who is daring
Aatif United, Joined, Together
Aatiq Kind affectionate
Aatish Purifying, Brilliance
Aazim Famous
Aazrang Bright
Abba Leader, Father
Abbas Lion
Abdul Servant(indicating religious service and devotion)
Abed Worshipper
Abid Worshipper
Abidian Worshipers
Abis Quick, Alert, Swift
Abisali Warrior
Abiz Spark of Fire
Abudah Devoted to God
Abyaz White,pure
Adam Earth
Adham The first prophet of Allah
Adeel Honest
Adheem Great
Ahmad Praiseworthy
Adi Noble
Adlah Fairness
Adnan Settler
Adut Gift of God
Afaf Pure, Decent
Afjal Most excellent
Afsar Best
Afran Noble Man
Afzal Most excellent
Ahsan Perfection
Ajamil A mythological king
Ajmal Pious, Beautiful
Ajmeer Presence of the foremost one
Akbar Powerful
Akeem Wise
Akif Attached, Intent
Akmal Complete
Akram Excellent
Al-‘Aziz The Mighty one
Al-‘Afuw Pardonor
Al-A’la The most high
Al-Barr The source of all goodness
Al-Ba’ith The Awakener
Al-Fatir The creator
Al-Hakim The wise
Al-Hadi The guide
Al-Haafiz The protector
Alif The first character in hijaiyah
Al-Jaleel The Glorious
Al-Muhainim The protector
Al-Muqit The protector
Al-Nasir The Helper
Al-Quddus The holy
Al-Qawi The most strong
Alem Wise man
Aleem Knowledge person
Amal Aspiration
Aman Peaces
Ameer Ruler
Ammar Prosperous
Amun Trustworthy, God of Mystery, Strong, Bold, Name of a God of Wind and Air
Anam Blessing, Grace, Reward
Anis Friendly
Anjum Stars
Ansar The first people who converted to the religion of Islam
Anwar Brightest
Aqil Wise, Intelligent, Leader, Thoughtful, Sensible
Arfan Intelligent
Ar-Razzaq The provider
Ar-Ra’uf The compassionate
Arshad Honest
Ashur A month in the Islamic calender
Asad Lion,Severe,Excessive
Aslan Lion
Asaad Happy
Asgar Devotee
Ashfaq Noble prince
Asif Bold, Courageous
Aslam Safer
As-Samad The eternal
Atah Gift
Atif Generous
Ayman Lucky
Azam Great
Azariah Helped by God
Azhar The most shining
Aziz Powerful
Azlan Lion
Azli From the Beginning
Azmat The greatness
Azriel God is my help
Baby boy names with meanings – Alphabet ‘B’
Baadi Wonderful
Baahi Shining
Baahir Brilliant
Barir Faithful
Barin Young
Baariq Shining, Bright, Illuminating
Baasir Wise,seeing
Baasim Smiling
Baashir Bringer of good news
Baaz Falcon
Bazil Merciful
Baazigh Shining
Babar Lion
Baber Courageous, Lion
Babik A king name
Badi Inventor, Creator
Badi al zaman The marvel of time
Badr Full Moon
Baha Magnificient
Bahadur Bold
Bahi Splendid, Brilliant, Shining
Bahij Cheerful
Bahjat Beautiful
Bais One of the Ninety-nine Names of God
Bajih Rejoice
Bajul Respected, Honour
Bakar Morning
Bakht Fortune, Luck
Baki Balance
Bakir Early in the Morning
Bakr Camel, First Born
Bakri One who starts work early
Balagh Declaration
Balj Delighted, A Narrator of Hadith had this Name
Bani Children, Speech, An Orator, Sayings of the Guru
Banseel Brave
Baqar Star
Baqir learned
Barek Noble
Barkhan Leader
Barakah Blessing
Basaam Smiling
Basar Sight, Vision, The Eye
Baseem Smiling
Baseer Vision
Basel Brave
Basha Stranger
Bashar Bringer of glad tidiings
Basho Banana Plant
Basil Royal
Basit Spreader, Transmitter, Purveyor
Basel Brave
Basr Eye-sight, Wisdom, Sight
Baqa Survival, Immortality, Eternity
Baqi Everlasting Eternal
Batal Brave, Hero, Champion
Batik Sharp Sword
Bayar A delightful person
Bayhas Name of the lion
Baz Royal, Kingly, Eagle, King, Basil (the Herb), Falcon, Diminutive of Basil
Behzad Honest and caring
Bilal The prophet’s person calling prayer
Bishr Joy
Borak Lightning
Budat Prince
Budur Full Moon
Buham Soldier, Brave
Buhur Oceans, Seas, River, Eye, Sight
Buluj Glitter, Shine
Bulus Small, Humble
Buqat Temple, Monastery
Buraq Bright One
Buras The Biblical Name Peter is the English Language Equivalent
Burhan Proof
Buruj Signs of the Zodiac
Bushr Joy, Happiness
See also  naat Sharif نعت شریف- یا رحمت العالمین- لکھی ہوئی نعت شریف وڈیو کے ساتھ

Boys names unique with meanings – Alphabet ‘C’ 

Cadi Luck
Cahil A young and naive man
Cairo Victorious
Calista Beauty of Jannha
Cano Life
Carmen Love
Careem A man with generous personality
Cas An imperial man
Casper Treasurer
Cemal Perfection, Beauty
Chafik Sympathising
Chahid Wintness
Chahli Merriment, Pleasantry
Chaini Gorgeous
Chakir The chosen one
Chamali The one who serves water
Chams Sun
Chan Light
Changez Solid
Changeez Name of King
Chaker Thanking
Challita Cool
Chanan God was Compassionate, Cloud
Chanda God’s Compassion, Fierce, Passionate, Violent
Chantz Good fortune
Charagh Lamp, Light
Chash Sweet
Chaviv Loved one
Chawki Pleasant
Cheherazad Funny
Chessy Peaceful
Chelem Dream
Chezian Graceful
Chiragh Lamp, Light
Chishti Famous Saint whose Dargah is at Ajmer
Chinar A Tree
Chrishan Awakened, Almighty Lord
Chrim Generous
Chokri blessed
Cid Lord
Codei Light
Cassem Greatful
Cyrus Like the sun

Unique English names for boys with meanings – Alphabet ‘D

Daaem Constant
Daafi one who expels prevents
Daaiyyah Inviter to Truth
Daaneesh Knowledge, Wisdom
Dabir Secretary
Daeb Diligent
Daghfal Name of first Islamic geologist
Dadvar Judge
Dafiq Active
Dahab Gold
Dahi Lion, Rapid
Dahiah Intelligent
Daimumat Duration, Endurance
Daiyan A mighty ruler,Judge, Guard
Dakhil Stranger
Dakan Obedient
Daleel Guide
Dalil Guide
Dameer Heart
Dani Close
Danish Wisdom
Daniyal Intelligent
Darab Big gate, A name
Darawesh Wealthy, Possesses a Lot
Darakhshan Bright
Darkan Perceptive
Darrak Intellignet
Darwish Holy man
Dastagir Brave
Dastgeer Helper, Supporter
Daulah Power
Daulat Wealth
Dawar Another name for god
Dawid Prince
Dawlah Happiness
Dawood A Prophet
Dayim Everlasting, Perpetual
Dayyan A mighty ruler, Judge, Guard
Dhakaa Deep Insight, Sharpness of Mind
Dhakir One who Praises Allah (Dikr)
Dhakiy Intelligent, Bright
Dhan Wealth
Dhamin Responsible, Guarantor
Dhamir Heart, Conscience
Dhukaa Dawn, Morning, The Sun
Dhul fiqar Name of the Prophets sword
Diar An expensive wood
Din Belief
Dihyat A companion of Prophet Muhammed
Dilawar Brave
Delshad Happy
Dilshaan Glory of Heart
Dilbar Lover
Dildar Lover, Beloved, Friend, Charming, King of Heart, A King
Dirar Cash
Dirbas Lion
Diya al din Brightness of faith
Diyan Bright light
Diyar Homeland
Diyari A Gift, A Present
Dizhwar Strong
Djamel Beauty
Duha Forenoon
Durabah Courage, Boldness
Dulamah Tall and Black
Durrah A companion of Prophet Muhammed
Dwivedi Knower of Two Vedas
Dyab The One who Perseveres

Modern Islamic baby boy names 2023  with meanings -Alphabet ,’E,

Ebrahim Father of Gratitude
Edin Belief
Eezah Clarification
Eimam Leader,chief
Ehab Gift
Ehan Full Moon
Ehtiram Honour
Ehsan Powerful
Eiham Fantasy
Eijaz Blessings
Eikram Honor
Eiman Honest Loving Blessings
Eimen Miracle
Einas Feel at Peace
Ejaaz Miracle, Astonishment
Ejlaal To honor, To exalt
Ekaan Good
Ekbal Dignity
Ekram Honour
Elaf Safety, or security
Elend The first ray of the sun in the morning
Elhaam Inspiration
Elijah Beautyful, Sweet, Smart, Loving
El-Amin Trustworthy
Elvedin Benevolence of faith
Elsamhudi Love of Allah
Elias The God is My Lord, Jehovah is God, Variant of Hebrew Elijah
Eileen Lovable
Ejlaal To honor
Ekram Honour
Elyas Name of a Prophet
Emad Confidence
Emaan Faith
Emaad Awesome
Emam Leader
Eman Faith
Emaz Pleasing,Kind,Affectionate
Emin trustworthy, confident
Emir Prince
Emran Progress, Achievement
Enait God’s Gift
Enamul Prosperity
Enayat Grace
Esa A Prophet of Allah
Ensar Great
Eraj Morning light
Erfan Iron Heart,Gratefulness
Esak Beautiful
Esam Safeguard
Eshan Worthy
Eshaan Desiring and wishing
Ethan Strong,Heaven
Eyad Possesses Power
Ezath Respect
See also  naat sharif-نعت شریف-جب حسن تھا ان کا جلوہ نما

Modern Muslim Boy names with meanings – Alphabet ‘F’

Faadhil A generous personality
Faahim Intelligent
Faaiz Successful
Faakhir Proud, Excellent
Faaris Horseman,knight
Faaz Successful
Fadel Honorable
Fadi Saviour
Fadil Generous, honorable
Fadhl A man who is gracious and giving
Fadl ullah The excellence of god
Fadl Outstanding, Honourable, Gracious, Reward, Favour, Virtuous, Generous
Fady Sacrificer , Saviour
Faeq Surpassing, Excellent
Faghir A Flower Name
Fahad Lynx; Panther
Faheem Understanding,Keen to learn new things
Fahimuddin Practical attitude in life
Fahmi Intelligent
Faid Benefit, Advantage
Faiq Outstanding
Faisal Resolute,Decisive
Faiz Gain
Fakhr Pride,Something to feel proud about
Faran Happy, Advances
Fayaz Victory
Fayyaz Generous
Fawz Extremely generous
Faizan Favorite, Beneficence, Generosity
Faiz Winner
Faiyaz Artistic
Faizal One who is decisive
Faizan Abundance
Faizeen Honest
Fazeel Praiseworthy
Fakhir Excellent
Fakhrul Proud
Falah Success
Faraz Ascent,height
Fardan Unique
Fareed Unique
Farees Intelligent
Farid Unique,matchless
Farhan Happy
Farmanullah Order of Allah
Fravash Guardian angel
Faraj Cure
Farzan Wise
Fateen Clever, Smart
Fatir Creator
Fawaz winner,successful
Fawzan Victorious
Fazil Generous
Ferran Baker
Feroz Shining
Fiam Comedy
Fikri Intelligent, Intellectual
Fizan Breeze
Fouad Heart
Frogh Luminosity
Furud Unique, Single, Alone
Fudail Excellent in character
Futuh Victories, Conquests, Plural of Fatah
Fuwad Heart, Mind, Soul
Fuyum Strong Men
Fuqqah Flower, Bud
Fuzail Successful Person
Fyan Runner, Winner

English Muslim boy names that start with meanings alphabet ‘G’

Gabir Comforter, Consoler
Gabra Man, Human Being
Gadiel Fortune
Gafar Stream
Gafur Invincible
Gamal Camel
Gasheen Good
Gazi Leader
Gedi A bunch of beautiful flowers
Gelareh Eyes
Ghabra Earth, Land
Ghaffar Most Forgiving, Merciful, Forgiver
Ghafr Mercy,Forgiveness
Ghafur Most Forgiving
Ghaib Hidden, Absent, Away
Ghaith Rain
Ghaalib Victor, Conqueror, Dominant
Ghaamid Strong
Ghaazi Conqueror
Ghadi Eearly Riser
Ghafir Forgiver
Ghailam Good Looking
Ghalib Victorious
Ghanem Successful
Ghani Rich
Ghanim Successful
Gharab Gold
Gharib Humble
Ghassan Youth
Ghasharab Strong and powerful person
Ghaylan Great
Ghufraan Forgiveness
Ghazawan Warrior
Ghazan Holy war fighter
Ghazanfer A brave man
Ghazee War Champion, Hero, Conqueror
Ghazir Comfortable
Ghaus Defender
Ghayoor Self-respecting
Ghazzali A Famous Person
Ghodsi Holy, Sacred
Gias Helping
Gibran Reward
Gibril Angel Gabriel
Gilad Hump of a Camel,Name of Mountain
Gorbat Eagle
Gohar Diamond
Gran Dear, Beloved
Guda Supreme, He who is Praised, Variant of Juda
Gufra Mysterious
Gulbar Generous
Gulfam Rose faced
Gulsan A Flower Garden
Gulshan Rose Garden
Gulzar Flourishing
Guney South
Gutaif A Well of a Person, Well to Do
Guzeer Help, Remedy

Boys name Islamic with meaning that start ‘H’

Haadee The guide
Haady Guiding to the right
Haalim Grown Up
Haamid Praising (god),loving (god)
Haakim intelligent
Haaroon A prophet’s name
Hami Supporter
Haan Rooster, name of a place
Haanish One who is delighted
Haanish One who is delighted
Haaziq Intelligent
Habiri Colorful Clouds
Habrur Blessed
Habbab Lovable
Habib Loved one
Habwat Gift
Hadden Heather-covered hill
Hadee The guide,Director, Leader
Hadi Guider
Hadpad One who gains fame
Hafawat Friendly
Haffaz Protector
Hafid Wise
Hafil Industrious
Hafiz A protector
Hafs Collecting, Gathering
Haider Lion
Hajid One who prays Tahajjud
Hakeem Insightful,wise
Halah Glory
Haleef Confederate
Haleem Patient
Hamim Close Friend
Hammad One who praises God
Hamud Praiseworthy
Hamza Lion
Hanfi School follower
Hanif Devotee of Islam
Hanzal Gift from God
Haris Ploughman,Cultivator,Friend
Harun Name of a Prophet
Harshim Over Smart
Hasan Handsome, good
Hassan Very Handsome
Haseeb Respected, esteemed
Haseen Beautiful, Smart
Hashim Generosity,Decisive
Hasib Respected,Accountant,Avenger
Hasif Firm,Judicious,Steady,Joyful
Hasil Acquirer,Producer,Farmer
Hasun Strong
Hatim King
Hamzad Companion
Hamraz Confident
Hazeem A wise and intelligent man
Hawis Idea, Concept
Haytham Son of eagle
Haq Power
Hidir Expressive
Hifaaz Protective,Hope, Guardian
Hijas Believer of God
Hilal Moon, Crescent
Hilel Cheerful
Hilmi Gentle, Calm
Himam Destiny
Hisham Generosity
Hizaq Sharpness
Hujjat Argument, Proof, Reasoning
Humaid One who glorifies God
Humza Precious, Brave
Husain Good Looking
Husam Sword Edge
Husayn Good
Husni Goodness, Handsome, Excellence, Name of Saint
Hussein Good
Husul Happening, Event
Huzzaq Clever
Hydin Independent, Strong
See also  A review of the compact Mini Station from Yango.

Unique Muslim boy names that start with Alphabet ‘I’laal

Ibaad A worshipper
Ibraheem A prophet’s name
Ibrahim Father of a multitude
Ibn Son
Ibrar Helpful, Peaceful
Ibtihaaj Happiness
Ido Mighty
Idrak Intellect
Idris Fiery Leader
Iesa Name of a Muslim prophet
Iffaan Time, Season, Weather
Ifran identity
Ifraz Height, Altitude, Elevation
Iftikhar Proud
Ifzal Superiority
Igal Redeemed, Defiled
Ihab Gift,Leather
Ihsan Kindness
Ilyas A prophet’s name
Ijaj Kind-hearted, Soft
Ijaz Miracle
Ikhlaq Virtues
Ikram Honour,respect
Ilifat kindness
Imaad Pillar, Post, Support
ImaadUdeen The Pillar of the Faith
Imad Support
Imam Leader
Imran A prophet’s name
Imtiaz Unique,Power of discrimination
Imtiyaz Great king
Inab Grape
Inas Capable, Sociability, Powerful
Inayat Concern
Inayathulla Care Of Allah
Iniat Concern
Intaj King,magnificent
Israr Insist, never gives up
Iqbal Wealth
Iqra Garden in Heaven
Iqraam respect
Iqmal White Soul
Irfan Wisdom
Irshad Wisdom
Ishan Compassion
Ishaaq A prophet’s name
Ishir Another name for agni
Ishaam Promise
Ishmael God listens
Isir Strong,Powerful
Issam Safeguard
Isma’il Name of aProphet in the Quran
Ismat Protecting
Ismail A prophet’s name
Izaan submission, obedience, acceptance
Izat Respect
Izaad Loyalty
Izin Gift of God, Permission
Izum Obedient, Sincere
Izzaldin Might of the Faith, Glory of Religion
Izzuddin Honour of the Religion
Izzudeen Might of the Faith

Boys Islamic names in Urdu with meanings – Alphabet ‘J


Jaabir Consoler,comforter
Jaah Dignity,Grandeur
Jaamil Beautiful
Jaan Life
Jaafar Rivulet
Jabez God will increase your boundary
Jan muhammad Life of Muhammad
Janasheen Successor
Jaleed Powerful
Jabbar Brave
Jabari A valiant man
Jabir Consolation
Jaboor Strong
Jad Allah Gift of God
Jafar Stream,Rivulet
Jaffer Flowing water
Jafri Yellow Flower
Jahan The world
Jaheer Bright, Shining, Sparkling
Jahiz Ogle-eyed
Jahlil Majestic, God-like
Jahm Sullen
Jahmal Handsome
Jaish Excellent
Jalal Greatness
Jalaal Glory of The Faith
Jaleb Attainer
jalil Superb
Jalis Companion
JamaalUddeen Beauty of the faith
Jamael Handsome
Jamal Handsome
Jamesha Beautiful leader
Jamil Beautiful, lovely
Janab An honorific title
Jarad Liberal
Jarah Sweetness
Jari Powerful, brave
Jasham Eagle
Jasmir Strong
Jasim Strong
Jasser Fearless
Jauhar Pearl
Jaul Choice
Javed immortal
Jaza Reward
Jazel Good Attitude, Good Manners
Jazi To Take Revenge
Jazib Attractive
Jawdan Goodness
Jawhar Jewel
Jehfil Strong
Jemal Handsome
Jericho City of moon
Jibril Archangel of allah(gabriel)
Jibran Reward
Jidan Abundance
Jihad Holy War
Jihan Leaping,The universe,The world
Jnhih Sun
Juber Brave warrior
Jumal Good Looking
Junaid Warrior

Islamic Boy names with meaning Alphabet ‘K’

Kaab Fame
Kaaf Sufficient, Enough
Kaamil Perfect
Kamilat Complete
Kaashif Discoverer
Kassim One who is divided
Kashan Place of rulers
Kaazim One who refrains from anger
Kab Fame, Honour, High Rank,Glory
Kabir great,powerful,leader
Kadar Powerful
Kadeem Slave to god
Kaden Companion
Kadin Friend, companion
Kahil Friend
Kahill Best friend
Kahlil Friend
Kaif Pleasure,High Spirits,Sea
Kafeel Responsible
Kafi Sufficient
Kafur To Disappear
Kaiser Caesar, Emperor, King
Kalb Brave, Heart
Kaleem Speaker, Talker
Kalid Eternal
Kaliq Creative
Kamal Perfect
Kamran Successful
Kamshad Happy wish
Kareem honorable
Karif Arrived in Autumn
Karman Man
Kashif Explorer,Uncovered
Kashish Attraction
Kasim Divided
Kazi Good, Judge
Kedar Powerful
Keyann King,Crown
Khaalish Genuine
Khabir expert
Khair Excellent
Khair Udeen The good of the faith
Khafid Easy, comfortable, smooth
Khalaf Successor, Descendants
Khaleed Immortal
Khalid Eternal,Abiding
Khalif Successor
Khalil Good friend, Another name for prophet Muhammad
Khaleel Beautiful
Khalis Pure
Khateeb Orator, Preacher
Khayr Good, Blessing, Boon, Wealth
Khidr Green
Khizar Name of a Prophet
Khubayb A fast walker
Khuram Tiger
Khurshid The sun
Khyal Fantasy,Vision
Kia Protector, King, Defender
Kibrial Divine majesty
Kifah Struggle, Fight
Kifl Fortune, Luck
Kinza Hidden Treasure
Kishwar A country, region
Kiyan Kings, Royal
Muslim boys names unique with meanings alphabet l.
Labeeb Intelligent
Labib Sensible, intelligent
Labis Wearer,Coverer
Lablab Ivy
Labhan Truth
Laeeq Able, Fit, Deserving
Laham Wisdom
Lahan Music
Lahiq White-colored
Laifq All Time Happy
Lais King of Jungle, Lion
Laith Lion
Laiq Worthy, Deserving, Capable, Decent
Laman A bright and happy man
Lami Shining
Lamih Light
Laraib Faultless, pure
Laskhar Soilder
Lasani Incomparable
Lateef Gentle
Latheef A bright and happy man
Latif Gentle,Kind
Layeeq Worthy,capable,clever
Layl Night
Layyin Tender, resilient
Layzal immortal
Lazhar Very Clear, Very White
Lazim Compulsory
Leil It means sunset or dusk
Letif Pleasant,Gracious,Gentle
Lian Honest, Soft
Liban Successful
Limazah He was a narrator of hadith
Lisan Language,Bid
Lodhi A Famous Afghan Tribe
Lotfi Soft
Luai Steady, Strong, Flag
Luay Strong
Lukman Wise
Luqman A prophet’s name
Lutfi Kind
Luwai Sweet Person
Lyzal God’s Gift

 Muslim girls names